Wednesday, May 28, 2008


...apparently it's my responsibility, as a blogger, to actually update my blog from time to time....who knew?

This is going to be a pic-heavy post, I've used-up all of my words today chance of any wit here...

- bag for Mum, for Mother's Day (shockingly bad photos, the third one is the lining - very bright oranges and blues, clashes beautifully!!!)

- shawl for Mum, blogged about previously...(again with the bad photography, the top of the shawl is actually
straight!!! Mum insisted on not having her face in the shot...)

- Mmmmmmalabrigo (worsted, can't find the colour label, stripe in Lamb's Pride Bulky in Onyx) beanie for Davo, my baby brother (shit, he just turned 37, guess I'm not so much of a young girl any more...!)

- Sock War sock....didn't even get to kill one warrior....mind you, I think you're supposed to actually put some effort into knitting a pair of socks quite quickly for this to occur...I was a bit too blase to be an effective time I'll do better!!!

- Sock War Socks that killed me dead, from Jenny (a very lovely assassin from Victoria), showcased in my very trendy clear Converse sneakers!

- one of my favourite students ever and I, faces cropped to protect the innocent - I just think she has the most beautiful and unusual eyes, and she's an all-round great kid, I love her (in a good way, not an illegal-lose-my-teaching-job-and-go-to-gaol way....!!!)

Okay, going to bed. Well soon, it's pretty dark outside, I can pretend it's after 10pm if I want to (despite knowing that it's only just gone 5.43pm.....)


(Connor and Elly don't care - Elly's got her cat-food bag, and Connor's nabbed the first spot on the clean blanky on the sofa....)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Like a bee...

...busy busy busy, that is. Except for the sitting on my butt all day today bit....

Work's mad, and I'm not enjoying it very much - at the risk of sounding holier-than-thou, it sometimes feels as though I'm the only one doing anything at that place... I was sick for a couple of days last week, and had several phone-calls (which were duly ignored) about the most trivial of trivial things, apparently I am the puppet-master, and have the ability to control all, even from my bed, when I'm asleep.... enough whingeing. Except to say that I'm tired of going to work, coming home knackered and not having any energy to do anything. I missed last knitting group because I didn't get home til late, and then passed out in front of the telly (where I'd sat "just for a minute" and woke up at 3am...), and I have a school function the same night as the next one - I think, will have to double-check the dates - the Year 11 and 12 Food Production classes have a staff dinner every year, and I'm invited.... last year's was a bit dodgy, say no more!!! I think I'm just in a bit of a funk, my fabulous backyard is over-grown with winter clover, the house needs a good once-over, and I don't fit into any of my clothes. I quite like being single, I love living on my own (I actually enjoy my own company, and can honestly say that I'm never lonely, and the bit about not shaving your legs just rocks!!!), but it all gets a bit over-whelming at times - I have to do EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Washing, cooking, cleaning, paying bills, dog-walking, gardening, house-work, full-time (plus) job, family visits blah blah blah.... do I have the winter-blues before winter??? Even though I love winter??? Blah.

Knitting. I finished Mum's shawl, and blocked it, and it is lovely!! Bit stiff though, even though I soaked it in Monkey Farts, so it smells divine, but I'm going to soak it in hair-conditioner and block it again, see if that helps, the Peace Fleece seems very coarse anyway... I'm going to get Mum to model it for some pics later. Am also making a bag for Mum, using Lopi, I love how it felts, no stitch definition at all. Going to try and get it done for MD as well (best daughter...hang on, only daughter, but you know what I mean - I've got brothers though, so of course I'm the favourite..). I've just started a Pi Blanket (inspired by Bells), using Lorna's Laces shepherd sport, Aslan colourway - cream and coffee and silvery grey, beautiful and soft - pics later - still haven't decided who's going to get it - at first it was going to be for Dad, then me, but now I'm leaning towards giving it to Rebecca at work, who's having a baby soon.... Also just cast-on for a pair of socks for Jules, using Opal 6-ply, Tutti-Frutti colourway -again, pics later! Oh!! And a Malabrigo Log-cabin blanky - scroll down about two-thirds of the way - for me!!! Damn it, I'll have to buy some more colours.....

Had a lovely (but too short) visit from Fee and Jules yesterday - Kristen came and Fee had her twinkle-toes re-done and then had to go, 'cause her and Rob were going to Bunbury to fly their ultra-light plane (I'd be too scared!). Jules stayed a bit longer - I knit while she played games on the computer - we're very grown-up!!!

Okay, that's it. I'm taking my grumpy self off for a nap with Elly.

My Fortune Cookie told me:
You have a blossoming future in taxidermy.
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