Monday, February 11, 2008


Sorry for swearing.

Bella died.

I found her on the back verandah, and she was all limp and dirty and had a crusty nose. She died on the way to the vet, who thinks it was most likely a bite - spider or snake, he couldn't say. He was a lovely man, handled her as though she was still alive. It's been just over a week or so, but every now and then I remember with a jolt, as if it just happened (I've been trying on purpose not to think or talk about her, but it's too hard). It's been a long time since I lost a pet, I forgot how much it hurts....

I love you, Fluffy-bum Miaow Bella....


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear this! It's heart-wrenching to lose a beloved pet.

Lushorama said...

Thank-you....I have the other three to keep me busy, but still...

Anonymous said...

i lost a puss that looked very much like bella in oct of 2006. found her, too. it really hurts. i'm sorry. i remember how much that hurt. it doesn't seem fair. we forget they won't be with us. it's easy to assume they'll be with us until we leave.

you gave her a great home.

Lushorama said...

Thank-you, Katy, you're right....