First, there was the winding of the balls. Of wool etc.... I love my swift and my new ball winder, and I think that if I ever divorce my dog (because I have to marry him), then I will propose matrimonial bliss to my ball winder. That's right, no life.
Then, my garden man has been laying pavers (it is not my place to judge.....oh boy, did I warn you about the shockingly bad jokes??) along my driveway. He also top-dressed my "lawn", and tonight I water-soaker-stuffed it, and watered it for the first time in about 6 years. I hope it works....can't water again til Wednesday, and there's another few 39+ degree days forecast....feels a lot like a waste of resources...might re-think that one, eh?
What else.....
Oh!! Christmas came and went, Mum and Dad celebrated their 41st wedding anniversary yesterday, and today I spent a lot of money - new outdoor setting, from which I plan to compose my next post (one with actual knitting content!!), and air-con for my little hot-box of a house!!! It's been ten years of searing heat, I won't know myself when it's installed next week!!! I re-financed my mortgage in July, and with the extra moolah I'm doing a lot of things that have been waiting patiently to be done - gardens, air-con, carport etc.... I'm such a grown-up!
Right, and now I'm tired, so will leave you with:
Bella, helping....
That's your lot. For today, anyway!!
Sleep tight,